The Colour Analysis

The Stylist uses a practical method of discovering your natural skin tone. . It is a detailed analysis that looks at the effect of colour on your undertone which is a true reflection of which colours work for you.
Colour has a huge effect on the way you present yourself and the ageing factor. With the correct colour scheme, you can shave 10 years off your chart. And have a much younger and vital person in the mirror and to others.


  • The different colour groups and your best fit.
  • Material textures, patterns and how much contrast you can wear.
  • Hair Colour and styles.
  • Shades of Make-up and colour, shape and length of jewellery you can wear.
  • How to wear neutral colours according to your colour group.
  • Best experience in your life!
  • A colour booklet with all the information you received in the consultation.

Don't think, Just do!

Her passion does not stop at a business level but cater for all on a personal level through personal consultations on request.
“It gives me great joy, to see the change I can make in a person. I don’t think any reward can be better” Isabel closing off with a smile.